Thursday, November 1, 2012

First Day of Nano

Well, this has been the first day of NaNoWriMo and it's been crazily funny, stressy, creative, writers block-y, full of food, candy, shouting and music.

I was so eager to start in the morning when I woke up, but what I realized was that it is really, really hard to write in English. Not impossible, but definitely more time-consuming and brain-wrecking than Swedish (That's, after all, our native language). But I have a hunch my English is going to be so much better after this November.

I have four new favorite sites after the first day. They are really handy when I'm looking for a certain word or phrase or a synonym for something. - the best when looking for many suggestions for just one word (translating), google translate - for sentences rather than words, - for the kind of zombie moments when I don't even know the Swedish word and then.... - I'm soooo in LOVE with this page right now. My English teacher suggested me using it and I'm really thankful for it. It's awesome, so good synonyms and definitions, I'm lovin' it <3

I've also successfully found sites with lists of about thousand names on imaginary/most common fantasy names, house-names, first and surnames, town-names, names on schools.... the list goes on. It's a great time saver, rather than me getting stuck all the time.

I suppose (or hope?) that you're interested in how the writing is going. Well, I've written about 5 full pages by now and exactly 3 411 words. You should write at least 1667 words per day, so I've got both today and tomorrow covered already haha. I've also concluded that it takes me about 55 min to write one page. It's almost one freaking hour! Just how am I supposed to get by when school starts again? o.o

Xyssify is a really good kid who's been to school and done her homework and all that (not to mention she's writing a really complex novel - mine's pretty simple) so she ain't got time to write a blogpost (not now at least) but she gave me a message:

"It's really hard to have homework and Nano. at. the. same. time." *choking sound*

We have been sitting for about 4½ hours by now, talking over Skype while writing. She does random shouting at me sometimes, because apparently I talk too much, which is distracting x'3

As for my novel... so far I love it! If any of you would like to read it, just ask, I would love it if you did <3

- Bokpandan (Haha, I'm SO HYPED! 8D)

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